Ensure reliable prevention of reverse flow
The AVK series 41 swing check valve with a resilient seat is designed for use in pumping applications to prevent backflow. 15-03-2024
These valves are suitable for both drinking water and wastewater applications. The disc is connected to the shaft via a flexible bush, which allows the rubber disc and valve seat to align perfectly and provide optimum sealing performance. All interior parts are made of stainless steel or coated with drinking water-approved epoxy coating or EPDM rubber. The series 41 valves are available in various configurations, including closed bushing, free acting, or with a lever and weight to mitigate pressure surges.
AVK offers a range of PLUS solutions including special coatings, switching options, protection guards and more to meet diverse needs. Ask for a full listing.
The brand stands by its products and provides extended warranties of 10 years or more on selected applications.
Main Features and Benefits:
- Resilient seat provides a drip tight closure and with the light weight disc assembly requires minimal force to open/close
- Ductile iron disc is fully vulcanised with EPDM or NBR rubber
- Shaft is fitted in the bonnet allowing maintenance to occur without removing the valve from the pipeline
- Suitable for horizontal and vertical installation
- Full bore with low head loss
- Bonnet gasket sits in a recessed groove between bonnet and body preventing blow-out
- Bosses on the valve body allow for installation of pressure gauge, by-pass, guard etc.
- Blue fusion bonded epoxy according to AS/NZS 4158
- Potable Water approved to AS/NZS 4020 \
- For your next project ASK4AVK. Expect nothing but the best quality.
This quality product will be showcased at Ozwater ’24.
Visit stand J13 to explore and build your ultimate valving solution with PLUS value-added features.